Laguna Niguel Regional Park May 5th, 2014
At approximately 3:30 near Shelters 1 and 2 there was much activity to be found just before the walk bridge. More notably: a male and female Bullock’s Oriole, Western Tanagers, Wilson’s Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler (white throat/Myrtle), Swainson’s Thrush … Continued
Visit to San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine April 25, 2014
The visit to San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary on April 25th, 2014 was a bit less productive bird was due to gusty winds which came quite a bit of the non water fowl at bay and in hiding. Fortunately we located … Continued
Photo Gallery Additions for April 19th – 21st, 2014
Photo Gallery additions (see top of page) this weekend were: American Kestrel (over 20 photos of male, female and in flight shots), Hammond’s Flycatcher, Calliope Hummingbird, Peregrine Falcon & Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Upper Oso Reservoir – Visit on 4-19-14 (Private Access)
Monte Taylor and I arrived approximately 3:15pm in hopes to find several of the migrants that typically pass through this area. Our stay was until 7 p.m. though our success was only moderate, this visit was not in vain. In … Continued
Revisit to Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary on 4-16-14
A second visit produced greater results as the time span of the visit was longer. This includes photos of the Calliope Hummingbird, Band-tailed Pigeons, Lark Sparrow, a California Thrasher fledgling and an Acorn Woodpecker peering out of his tree … Continued
Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary 4-13-14
A brief late afternoon visit to Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary located in the heart of Modjeska Canyon offered excellent close-up views of approximately 6 different Black-headed Grosbeaks from the bird porch (5 male and one female). In addition, no less than … Continued
Bell View Trail (West End), Rancho Santa Margarita
After a considerable amount of time had passed, a visit to the Bell View Trail in Robinson Ranch (Santa Margarita Division) proved to be beneficial. Just outside the main entrance I had spotted a cluster of birds across the street … Continued
Bird Scouting in Minaya Park and the Canaveras Ridge Walk Trail in Mission Viejo
A few surprises came about in today’s local hiking venture namely: 4 White-tailed Kites at the crest of Vista Del Lago with two courting in mid air Lincoln’s Sparrow in Minaya Park Fox (sooty) Sparrow on the Canaveras Ridge Walk … Continued
Domain Change to
A domain change from to Though the original site still works, it now simply redirects to Also added was the Contact Form on the Top Menu Bar and lastly a new carousel on the main page of … Continued
Bird Species Gallery Updated 3-24-2014
Added more to the Raptors section on the Bird Species page..Red-shouldered Hawks now links to a appropriate gallery as well as Cooper’s Hawks.