This is a remote, quiet but ever pleasant birding location. On warmer days the gnats can be overwhelming (especially in your ears) so please prepare as needed if this is concerning.

This location is nested just at the base of the Joplin Youth Center and is a designated Wildlife Preserve area as you approach the end of Rose Canyon Road.  In previous years, the shoulders of the road were completely accessible without fencing.  Hiking in soft dirt trails was permissible.  A visit last year was a surprise after visiting this area previously to find thin wired fencing along each side of the road prohibiting travel onto such dirt paths and open spaces.  Still, finding a variety of species within these new defined limits is most enjoyable.  In the past I’ve reliably found Oak Titmice, Phainopeplas, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, White-breasted Nuthatch and Lark Sparrows as some examples.

Should you opt to venture to this wildlife preserve please keep in mind this road has restrictions.  It also becomes a single road in certain areas and is surrounded by horse ranches and often includes farm animal crossings.  There are speed bumps along the way as well as marked areas which are restricted.

I’ve included photographs below as to the journey on Rose Canyon Road which will offer a glimpse in advance of your journey here and expectations.

The GPS coordinates are:  33°40’31.1″N 117°34’44.4″W

If you go to then copy and paste these coordinates above you can then obtain directions or see my map below

The Map to Rose Canyon Road and Birding Location
The Map to Rose Canyon Road and Birding Location


The speed limit sign post just past Rose's Cantina.
The speed limit sign post just past Rose’s Cantina.


Rose Canyon Road continues to Wildlife Preserve / Birding lcoation
Rose Canyon Road continues to Wildlife Preserve / Birding location


Continue on Rose Canyon Road over steel roadway animal gradings
Continue on Rose Canyon Road over steel roadway animal gradings


Note sign on left for Wilderness Preserve Marker
Note sign on left for Wilderness Preserve Marker.  Continue past this point


Cut Tree marker.  You'll see two parking notch outs on right shoulder.  They are about 40 yards or so apart.
Cut Tree marker. You’ll see two parking notch outs on right shoulder just past this point. They are about 40 yards or so apart.


Joplin Youth Center sign post which is past two designated parking areas.  Just past this point you can make a U-Turn.
Joplin Youth Center sign post which is past two designated parking areas. Just past this point you can make a U-Turn.


After you make the U-Turn, this is the Cut Tree marker once again as you head down hill.
After you make the U-Turn, this is the Cut Tree marker once again as you head down hill.